Seeing Glacial Time

Camille Seaman’s “Breaching Iceberg — Greenland, August 8, 2008.”

Camille Seaman’s “Breaching Iceberg — Greenland, August 8, 2008.”

One of the challenges we’ve faced here at FutureCoast is getting the word out.  How do we make more people aware of the Chronofall, get them up to date and informed about climate change, keep them listening in and participating in the conversation?

Maybe art has some answers. This exhibit at Tufts “examines how eight contemporary artists employ the ‘real time’ of photography to visualize the largely imperceptible, gradual changes in ‘glacial time’ from the bellwether Arctic region.” The photographs are stark and beautiful, and bring us subtly closer to understanding.  After this Chronofall is  over, I hope to get to Tufts to see it myself.